Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Yet Another Wave for RVA

“The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.”
                                              ~Gloria Steinem~

   I have been making every attempt I can to bite my tongue like a pertinent member of society in recent months, but at some point it is important to stand up for what you believe in and tell it like it is.................once again, that time has come, and it has come because my observations since returning to RVA are that humanity so easily forgets the unacceptable behaviors and evils from the past.  I understand why that is................it is easier that way.  Turning your head, ignoring unfortunate situations, and pretending the world is nothing but sunshine and roses allows people to live within a false bubble.  I grew up in one of those bubbles, and unfortunately my parents live every day of their lives trapped in it, and will most likely subsist in that bubble for the remainder of their lives.  It is an unfortunate TRUTH that I have had to accept and I am heartbroken that it is what it is.  I have no control over the people that they have become, and at this point I have all but given up.  My friends are my family now, and my life is healthier that way.
   But The Island Chronicles is not about to let the RVA paddling community off so easily.  I do have control over the TRUTHS that are presented within that bubble of whitewater beatering, and the observations that I have made recently while at Fourteenth Street are disappointing to say the least.  First off, kindergarten seems to be in session on a regular basis, and the bandwagon bitches of RVA are multiplying like little gremlins that fell in the rivah.  Hopefully the rains will return soon, the level will rise, and the sell out beaters of the community will crawl back to whatever pool session they came from.  One of those sell outs actually tried to speak to me yesterday as if nothing had ever taken place within the past two years..........you know who you are and I know that you are reading this right now...........don't ever pull that shit again you little bitch!  You are a dead Rose to me, and I have no need to ever associate myself with you, no matter what the situation may be.  You sold me out long ago, and I could care less if you realize now how much of a mistake you made.  Live with your choice.  I made poor choices at one point in life and I am now forced to live with them.  You are no different.  You ever try to play pretend with me again and I will give you a dose of TRUTH you wish you had never received.  You think I'm joking, then please.............try me.  Every one of you need to continue to do what it is that you have done for the past two years...............gawk at me from far away, whisper to one another, and then hide in your little eddies until I finish paddling MY home rivah.  If you have a problem with that, then I am more than ready to go a few rounds with any of you.  Do I make myself clear?

"The only real failure in life is not to be true to the best one knows."

   Second, it is actually pathetic at this point that I have to bring up yet again our cherished evil villain, The Fat Bastard of Fourteenth Street, but unfortunately it seems to be the case.  Now, I will relinquish the fact that as a community we have no control over his presence at the take-out.  That is an unfortunate TRUTH, and he knows it.  But what myself, as well as all of you do have control over is his level of comfort while there.  I know he has reached out to some of you, but I also know that many of you have the ability to think for yourself, stand up for what is right, and tell him what he needs to hear.............."FUCK OFF FATTY!!!!"  Unfortunately it seems that many of you have either failed, or worse, chosen to not make that decision.  I would expect this from Team WAV and the VCU followers due to the fact that they are all desperate to be accepted, and from what I have seen and been told The Fat Bastard has been more than accepting of all of them...........running shuttle for them, handing out beers at the takeout, etc., etc., etc.  To all of Team WAV, you should be aware that I know much more than any of you think I know, and in the past the Fat Bastard has attempted some evil things involving cooperation with The Fourteenth Street Whore that I have still never written about.................speaking of which, let's discuss that silly little slut for a moment.  Where is she?..........gone.  I know that her lack of presence here is due to the fact that she stumbled on yet another kayaking cock to taint on a nightly basis.  No surprise there.  But what she did by fleeing our little whitewater world is prove that she was nothing more than a tourist...........just like all of you.  This rivah is NOT your home!  You all do the exact same thing.  You come in, take everything you can for yourself, and then run away when you graduate, or when things become too tough..........just like The Fourteenth Street Whore.  Believe it or not, I wish her the best wherever her chubby little ass takes her, as long as it isn't here.  But if she ever decides to return, I will make her life just as uncomfortable as I have made The Fat Bastards.  THAT is a promise!.......and on that note, if any of you try to fuck with me, or even look at me the wrong way, I will do the exact same thing to you...........long story short, don't ever even THINK about fucking with me again!

“We despise and abhor the bully, the brawler, the oppressor, whether in private or public life, but we despise no less the coward and the voluptuary. No man is worth calling a man who will not fight rather than submit to infamy or see those that are dear to him suffer wrong.”
                                                            ~Theodore Roosevelt~

   Now, where were we?.........ahhh yes, The Fat Bastard.  Anyone who associates with him in any way what-so-ever is no better than he is.  You all know exactly what he did, and you all know that he had his heinous crime reduced to a misdemeanor, only served six days in jail, and is now back at the take-out doing the exact same thing he was doing before.............successfully existing as a giant asshole!  The next time you accept a beer from him, hop in his car for a shuttle ride, or decide to converse at the back of his obnoxiously large dick mobile, think about Coop.  Think about the fact that he is selling his C-1 because he can never sit in it again.  Think about the fact that he laid at the put-in for almost forty five minutes with a severely broken leg because the Fat Bastard refused to call for help.  Think about the painful nights and lack of sleep he had to endure over the course of the past year..............but most of all, think about what respect and friendship means to you.  Think about how you would feel if you were Coop, knowing that people you thought were your friends continue to associate with the person that violently assaulted you and then failed to pay for the crime in any way.  Cooper is one of the most genuine people I have ever had the privilege of knowing, and I am honored to call him my friend.  For those of you who claim to be a friend to him, and yet have any association what-so-ever with The Fat Bastard, I have this to say.................you are nothing more than a two faced, deceitful, disloyal human being, and if I ever witness it, I will be sure to call you out in this little world of blunt TRUTH, the same way I have called out The Dumb Ass on the Log, The Fourteenth Street Whore, The Fat Bastard, Peggy and Mike, and Be Moore.  Everyone in this world must eventually answer for the wrongs they have committed.  I know I answered for mine, and I am a better man because of it.  And all of you will answer for yours as well..................one way or another.  The TRUTH is back in town, and I have no plans to sit back and bite my tongue.

"I'm not saying I am going to change the world, but I guarantee that I will spark the brain that does change the world."

See ya on the rivah........................and watching you all very, very closely.   PEACE    

For a Table of Contents to The Island Chronicles, click here.