"And you really live by the river? What a jolly life."
"By it and with it and on it and in it," said Rat. "It's brother and sister to me and aunts and company, food and drink. It's my world and I don't want any other. What it hasn't got is not worth knowing. Lord, the times we've had together. Whether in winter or summer, spring or autumn, it's always got it's fun and excitement."
~Rat to Mole~ From "The Wind in the Willows"
Yes, I am a homeless man who lives on an island.......and yes, I am a whitewater kayaker camping out on an island surrounded by rapids.......and yes, I am an environmentalist attempting to reduce my carbon footprint down to basically nothing.......and yes, I am utilizing everything I can from the island to live a comfortable life.......and yes, I love where I am living. In fact, there is only one other place I would rather be, and I can't be there, so I am glad I am here. The beauty of this project is you can look at it however you want, and I will always agree that your perspective is right......and trust me, in the last month I have gotten some pretty classic looks. This is the story of the Island Life, smack in the middle of modern society.
This endeavor began as an idea to cut a trail, and nothing more. I am a whitewater kayaker who lives, works, and plays on the Lower James River.....the best urban whitewater in the United States. When the water is up in Richmond, the Middle Lines of the James are in. The only problem is they all run on the same gradient line, so once you run one, you have to find a way back up the drops in order to run another, and fact is, there was no easy way back up. (Any true RVa kayaker can tell you about the bird toilet rock...it sucks!) So one day I decided to explore the area to see if there could be an easier way up. As it turns out, there was, and it was on an island.....an island surrounded by whitewater on all sides. I explored the island and discovered it was beautiful, unique, and most of all high off the water......high enough in fact that someone could live on it.
At the time I was in a rather unique position in life. I had lost everything and had nothing......I truly mean nothing. I once had a wife, two kids, a nice house, job, friends, a supportive family, and the picture perfect life. But then it all vanished......just like that. It was gone, and it was all my fault. Now I had, well, nothing......which at first really sucked. But over time I started to realize something;
"It's only after we have lost everything that we are free to do anything."
Tyler Durden
That pretty much said it all. (By the way, Tyler Durden is a fucking genius!......and sometimes I drop the F bomb. Deal with it.) So I sat down one afternoon in the house I was about to lose and asked myself a simple question; "If I am free to do anything, then what do I want to do?" My first thought was to go see my kids.....but I can't. So then I thought, "if I can't be with my boys then I want to go kayaking.......all the time....and what better way to go kayaking than to live on the river....and what better way to live on the river than to live on an island completely surrounded by whitewater providing full security from the outside world" (except for other kayakers....but they all hate me anyway, so they would just leave me alone.) When I first came up with the idea I did the same thing anyone would do....told myself that is a great idea, but it's crazy. Then I thought about it some more, and some more, and some more. Then I thought about how I am crazy. (seriously, I really am. I will explain later.) Then I put two and two together. "The idea is crazy, and I am crazy, so the two crazies just cancel each other out and make it normal....right?" This is how my brain works. So I decided that night to start a journal, create a mission statement, and move to the island on April 1st, 2013.......and that is what I did.
Here is my mission statement:
I, Justin Harris, am making it my mission to go and live on an island in the middle of the James River for a minimum of six months to raise awareness to the following topics and create the following goals:
1. Become a legitimate resident of the City of Richmond while residing on the island, making it possible for others to do the same.
2. Build a trail system and campsite for the RVa kayaking community that is recognized by the James River Park System and that is only accessible by whitewater kayak, allowing the whitewater community private camping within the city center.
3. Create an example of a self sustainable community while living there. This sustainable environment can be utilized by the Park System, City of Richmond, and James River Outfitters to educate the community on a healthier way of life, as well as help Richmond set an example as an innovative and progressive outdoor and environmental community.
Four. (My four key is broken...I'm homeless. Give me a break!) Bring awareness to the Middle Lines and Islands of the James so that they can be included and recognized by the James River Park System and can help bring positive awareness to the RVa paddling community.
Five. (That one is broken too) Document the experience through an online blog, video journal, written journal, and a book on the experience about the things it taught me about myself, society, modern America, whitewater, sustainability, homelessness, mental health, family, fatherhood, divorce, and every other great mystery of this universe.
Hopefully this answers a lot of the questions and rumors that float throughout our isolated little world of whitewater. It also gives all the haters legitimate info to hate on, as opposed to lots of ridiculous, yet highly amusing rumors. And for all of you who don't know the whitewater, don't worry. This is not a whitewater blog. It is a blog, about a guy, who just so happens to live on an island that he has to kayak to in order to reach home. It is about sustainability, and the clash between urban America and the raw force of nature as it tears through the course of our city. But most of all, it is about living simply, and only taking what we need to take, and nothing more.
I hope you find some meaning in it for your own life, or just learn a little something, beause although I am an extremist and non-conformist, I know there is a little bit of me in everyone. Here are some of the projects that I will be working on in the next few months:
1. Building an organic garden and compost
2. Utilize the flow of the river to provide natural irrigation to my garden
3. Building a stone oven with natural mortar made from mud
Four. (Broken...remember) Mapping and recording the Middle Line Rapids at various levels (all of them..it's more than you think)
Five. Surveying and creating a topographic map of the island and rapids.
6. Surveying to create a flood assessment and video documenting of water rises
7. Working with the city to make the living arrangement legitimate and long term
8. Measuring my environmental footprint while on the island
9. Recording the behaviors of Geese, Eagles, Hawks, and other birds, and their interactions while co-existing. (It has been crazy to watch!)
10. Creating an accurate river level gauge (besides sticking sticks in the mud like I do now)
11. Create an accurate sun dial (I don't use watches, clocks or cell phones while on the island. I guesstimate using the sun....which means on cloudy days I am screwed!)
12. Glossary of whitewater terminology (for all the non-boaters out there....boating means paddler.....paddler means kayaker...you get the point)
13. Building a water wheel and creating hydro-electric power (ummmm, this one is last for a reason)
There are plenty of other ideas that come up everyday, but I think this list is challenging enough as is. By no means am I, or any of the other friends helping me in this endeavor "experienced" at most of these projects. But it will be interesting to learn, experiment, screw up big time, and occasionally succeed! And one thing is for sure.....the process of getting there will be fun, educational, probably comedic, and most of all adventurous. If you want to join in the fun, then bring a positive attitude and find a way to get out here, because I can assure you, it is not easy. So whether you are reading this blog to avoid that stack of work on your desk, the home renovation project you don't want to do, the nagging girlfriend by your side, or your pain in the ass boyfriend who won't stop playing video games, just make sure you enjoy it, and take a little escape to the island life.....PEACE!
P.S. - Here are a few quick notes of interest......1. I love quotes. My philosophy, "whatever I am thinking, someone has probably stated it better." So there will be quotes....fo' sho'! 2. I have a potty mouth. I always have. It is a combo of work, kayaking, and extended college days. I will keep it under control, but sometimes a four letter word just expresses so much more passion....especially F bombs. 3. I am blunt....and plan to be here. So if bluntness is not your thing, my sister has a great blog for you. It's full of fluff and dainty little words like "quimzzicle" (see, I can't even spell it right), refers to her husband as "hubs" (poor guy...this beers for you buddy), and calls her kid "lil' bit" (I swear my parents found me in a stump.) (Four). I am a non conforming extremist with a bad attitude about modern society and the inevitable doom of our "system". (Five). I hate systems!!!! 6. Sometimes I rant, but it can be so crazy it is actually interesting (hey......at least I know myself)................That is all. See ya next week. PEACE!